Memekoji fan survey result

Welcome to the MMKJ world!

This is a website dedicated for posting the result of MemeKoji fan survey that had been conducted from 10 to 17 April 2022. The survey was about what people feel about MemeKoji, such as their history of discovering MemeKoji, their favorite MemeKoji moments, etc. We received 37 anonymous (except them who shared their fanworks) submissions and every thoughts are filled with passion so it's very exciting to read! Just simply click on the category below to find out!

Have fun reading!

General questions






Watching Sunotube when they're first join snow man and their interaction is so loveable.
I noticed how Koji called Meme's name in their youtube vids and went to find more of their interactions!! There's alot of content involving the two of them so it's easy to love them together 🥰
I talked about this before, but it was a gradual interest lol. My first insight of them was def during the bouken shounen mmkj ep and from then, I started watching more bouken clips and videos they're in. I think the time when I watched the green chili episode was when I decided that they are my OTP!
I watched alot of MemeKoji compilations after I became a fan and I thought their dynamics were really cute so I watched more and I fell for them more.
I became Snow Man fan after KieKoi, and from then, I watched various video edits of Meme ships. At first I don't have any strong feelings towards any ships, but then I watched Bouken Shounen MemeKoji deserted island episode and from then I digged up their contents, just to make me fall in love deeper with them as a pair. From there, I officially became Koji-tan who ships mainly MemeKoji ☺️
Bouken shounen edit of koji calling meme cutely hahaha
I don’t remember the exact date but it was when i watched koji’s welcome video and him and meme were wearing the jacket and found their interaction so cute. Then i watched their bouken shounen’s island ep and that cemented myself as a memekoji shipper
I came across a random “Japanese idols getting scared” video I somehow ended up watching their YouTube Johnny’s jr videos. I remember watching Koji’s welcome video and I thought Meme’s story was funny. And well…it developed from there 😂
Their deserted island episode on Bouken Shounen! Koji’s love for Meme is extremely obvious but you also see Meme’s silent and steadfast love for Koji as well. Their dynamics in that episode really made me go kyunnnn!!
I was trying to know more about Meme after I watched KieKoi,so I watched some of the interviews ,soresnow and some videos editing made by fans.And i found out I became an oshi of Koji lmao .Then I tried to watch some of the materials about Koji and I discovered the interactions between Meme and Koji are sooooooooo cute which I fell in love to. Another weird reason is after I discovered MemeKoji's astrological signs are Aquarius×Gemini,which is same as me and my partner,so i kind of having deep feeling of them,it's weird but it's true lmao.
When they got Bouken Shonen job in the early of 2020.
After watching KieKoi and I randomly saw a video of Memekoji and that’s when I started.
i started discovering snow man earlier this year trough secret touch— yes, kiekoi— and since then meme has been my oshi (my first oshi to be exact), i started to watch suno contents in utube and getting to know them better, as a result i started to adore all of them too especially koji, he's funny yet adorable and his vocal is my favorite in suno, if we use a kpop term, koji is my bias wrecker. A little bg of me, i've been into kpop since 2018 and i enjoy shipping hehe, also idk how and why but i have this tendency to start shipping my bias and bias wrecker 🤧 seeing the two of them being together makes me happy, and the very same thing ended up happened to memekoji. After i started liking koji, and focusing on him too (other than meme), i'm becoming more aware w their interactions and day by day i found it really cute 🤧 it's continue went i discover Zee's (@kjtenchi) translation of memekoji communication and after that i'm even more in love w their relationship ㅠㅠ the straightforward and adorableness of koji mixed with the tsundere and also the same adorableness of meme, not to mention the height difference, combined into this cute, adorable, full of teasing, and funny duo that i love so much. if memekoji were a movie, their genre sure are romcom, and romcom is my favorite genre
I actually have enjoyed suno contents since they were still juniors and at first memekoji didn’t click for me since they are just joined suno. I began to like after finding suno contents after kiekoi, and it was soresuno which made me interested to memekoji, esp the episode where memekoji reenacts events when suno was still in jr and still studied at school. They have a nice comedic dynamics, but once i am exploring their other events, the more i found that they are more than comedic duo. They are so endearing I want to root for them🥺
I like how koji call Meme in a sweet tone and i like how they interact each other. They look cute together.
i watched the episode when Date-sama cooking for koji and mmkj wearing the same jacket, after that I'm searching for more moments and mmkj "agarenai" from island tv made me fallen deep into the mmkj world.
Honestly i don't really remember the exact turning point of me shipping memekoji, but i think it was because of meme's jweb in 2019 where he said that koji is like the sun (in which he is very correct on that). I am a meguro-tan, and I was digging meme's contents and past interviews including his old jwebs. My immediate reaction was "eh? impossible! is this real? how can meme wrote something so heartfelt about someone like this?" LMAOOO but the current meme and the 2019 meme are almost totally different on-cam (i'm sure meme is still the same touchy, needy, and super duper poetic off-cam. He is much much more tsundere now for keeping a cool and munekyun persona sksksk. but aside from that, the way he wrote it, i just felt like he was very genuine and i thought, koji is a precious and important someone for him to write something like that. I think things just spiralled down from there to their bouken, magz interview, their predebut history (literally a crazy soulmate sh*t created by the universe itself T_T). they take care of each other well and are supportive of each other. they know their boundaries and respect each other as bandmates, friends, and partners. i think they think of each other as important person (well, meme did say koji is an important person to him) now being a memekoji simp is my job, and trust me i am dedicated lmaooo
how they always joke and play with each other but most importantly from their night sakura viewing stories
My journey started after watching a memekoji video 🥺 Koji cant go upstair then he called Meme "Ren-kun" to help him QAQ I replayed that video everyday in that week.
Watch kiekoi for Meme, then i know other member. I found Koji super interesting in Dokkiri when he tried prank Fuma but it turned that Koji got pranked.
(beware rambling lol) Of course it's because kiekoi, i think first i know koji because those clip of their suno manma mmkj. There's this person who translate it on twitter and said memekoji actually win best combi on a magazine. That's when i get interested with koji, even though he keep being mention between meme and micchie. And then few days later someone upload the whole bouken desert island episode in sub. I watched that and i think "oh isn't meme love koji so much?" But still i'm lowkey ship meme with anyone after i want to snow man. In inter there's many about memenabe and memeabe and memesakuright? I like those too especially memesaku. I think i going down to mmkj hole because weibo sister. I like to search about meme in there since there's many kiekoi contents and then this one person always mention memekoji. I think i stumble the jweb about sakura date in there, yeah with in mandarin i saw the picture first and i'm be like eh? And when i read with the whole mtl i feel like isn't it's date??? Eh wait he is with koji or raul? But i think it's koji? After that i keep following this supertalk on weibo about mmkj and memekoji. There i found heaven of memekoji, there's many recent info and past info about memekoji, even all the theories fans come up. It's like a gate of memekoji heaven open in my very eyes. I can't stop loving them and their dynamic. Every night i screaming in my pillow because they are so cute!! And i'm hoping i can talk with this sister on weibo and thanking them. After that because i'm very desperate want to find people to scream about mmkj i try to search on Twitter and lj. There i found those memekoji sakura date with thailand translate. Yeah it's still now English translate and i'm going crazy. I found the English translate after i found that legendary meme jweb abou koji like the sun. At that time i'm super crying and want to tell the world! I really feel like why no interfans memekoji please I'm desperate. Because this people who translate memekoji content didn't focus on mmkj anymore. Even they are i'm still scared to talk to them since they're veteran. I only trust sister on weibo at that time lol and then i found zee that's give me courage to talk. I'm really going crazy when i find zee translation, like my head and heart screaming "i need to tell this person about that legendary jweb!! And that sakura date! And this info i found on weibo and lj!" And then slap myself "calm down! Let's talk and try to be cool first and don't share everything at once, let's be cool to not scare this person." I write and edit my comment on zee translation several times until i feel like "fuck this shit yolo!" And i'm not regret it 🤣 i love how memekoji going steadily big this past months in inter. Just like memekoji who have steady relationship in years. I really love memekoji 🤧
I'm not sure when. But I usually read fan translations on Twitter which are mostly coming from their magazine talks. I also watched some of the clips there wherein there is a MemeKoji dynamics on screen (mostly their guestings on a particular show) After discovering them out that there's so much common in between of these two, my gay radars are detecting something between them 🤣🤣🤣 so yeah I support this ship, along with MemeNabe too!! 🤭🤭🤭
There's no specific moment, I think it was gradually after seeing a lot of content about their interactions! Zee's translations from their Wink Up corner definitely helped!
After watching kiekoi, I watch suno jr content on yt and in my opinion meme koji have a genuine and loving interaction as peer. Not as senpai kouhai, so I think it's cute.
I forgot exactly when I started liking MemeKoji, but I do know that the first thing that drew me to them was Koji calling him Meme. I was still getting to know each member at the time and there's something cute about Koji calling him Meme versus the others calling him that.
今年2月份;通过meme演的电视剧关注到meme随后注意到雪人,被mmkj的情感和气场吸引 (In February this year; I noticed meme through the TV series played by meme and then noticed the snowman. I was attracted by mmkj's emotion and aura.)
I watched a bunch of snowman’s vid and realized how meme always laugh happily when he with koji I never see meme look that happy before so It’s quite interesting after that I lookup for a lot of meme koji content and their relationship was so cute and I feel like meme do really do like koji ⋆❤︎(^ー゚)b
For me it was the Bouken Shounen desert island episode to the Meme introduction tempura sunotube pipeline that made me first like their dynamic! Then I read translations of a bunch of their winkup mmkj communication corners and thats what solidified my love for the combi 🖤🧡
i accidentally found a video of mmkj moments collection on youtube ✨ i dont remember exactly what vid but after seeing it, i fell in love with them right away lmaooo. especially them in some short scenes cut from suno's 9-hour livestream, their aishiteru game just hit me hard 😂😂
Watching them in memekoji YouTube clip and SunoTube. They’re so cute when they’re together.
After watching ROT, Snowman youtube channel
I got baited to Suno after watching Kiekoi. I WAS A MEME-TAN untill i watched bouken shounen mujintou episode and i don't know what happened as i realized i'm on the front line of mukai koji's protector squad.
Ofc bouken shounen especially the part when koji call meme~
It must be the time that I watched the video which is about mmkj, and gradually I fell in love with Mukai Kouji. He is so cute, lovely··· In a word, I love him soooooooo much!(I'm so sorry that my English isn't good🥺)
i didn't know where exactly the turning point i shipped them... i know them because of kiekoi (SHOUT OUT TO KIEKOI!!!) after kiekoi, i saw them like in a complicated relationship between meme michi koji and raul (ykwim lol) at first i thought koji must be jealous with meme (in kiekoi) cause he's stealing his little brother, apparently he's jealous and want to be aoki sksksk instead of ida and the more i get to know them, the more i find them cute!!!! yesterday when i searched something in my tweet, apparently (i find some of my tweets abt them) i already find them cute since beginning, i just didn't realized it🥺 until... you guys comeeee and spread memekoji agenda... magazine translates, their old blogs on jweb, their beautiful stories, pictures 😭😭😭 i just cant help but to sinking deeper into their cute beautiful relationship🖤🧡💐 btw i shipping them with others too, cause they seem fit in everyone too!!! but there's special abt they two that i can not find in others ship! example, meguro can be blatantly say that he admire this one, that he like this one, and ONLY with koji he's being tsundere and denied everything that he ever say (about koji) when in fact is the opposite lol. he seems afraid if we're all know about he's being that care and soft to koji🙄
I think it was as I was binging all their Johnny’s Jr youtube videos shortly after getting more into them thanks to Ride on Time. Their matching jackets and how he calls him meme all the time. I really enjoyed how the two of them interacted and Sunotwt made me more interested too with all the clips from bouken shounen!
After kiekoi I watched bunch of suno content. Ultimately I found and watched mmkj deserted island episode and fell in love with their dynamic. From that, I looked for other mmkj contents. Back then I don't really involved in international fandom so I just fangirl privately with my friend and read jp fans tweets. That's when I found my mmkj goddess (Mo-san) and seeing her dedicate herself to mmkj moved me, so it's not an exaggeration to say that she's one of the reason I started to ship mmkj this hard lol.


They're dynamic. Meme's tsundere and all the push and pull play lol
I love how Koji is so baby towards Meme despite being older and Meme pampers him alot while also pushing Koji away. Tsundere? 🤭 but Meme takes really good care of Koji
Their dynamics OMG - tsundere meme & clingy koji. Bcs Meme is often very tsun-tsun towards Koji, the times when he's in full dere mode made it feel so special. Like how during interviews, he likes to tell how kind Koji was, even during their junior days. I love how Koji made Meme laugh so much and how Koji said that he will protect Meme's coolness no matter what. You know they have a good relationship regardless if you ship them or not. Plus their height difference is very cute! 😌
The way they interact with one another. It feels like Meme treats him like a baby even though Koji is older out of the two.
I love how they're like puzzle pieces that fits perfectly. Not only the personality, but the appearance too. Whenever Meme circle his arm around Koji's shoulder, it just screams PERFECT FIT. And their personality also complimenting each other. One strength make up for the other's weakness. They're honestly the perfect combi, I never get bored whenever I see them together.
Skinship Monster x Skinship Avoider 🤣
I like that koji is so hyper but meme is calm. They are opposite but clicks. I love how tsundere meme is to koji.
I like how they’re so different and alike at the same time, Koji is so loud and funny and Meme is quite and funny 😂 and also I like how Meme always seems to want to keep Koji at an arms length but always ends up singing him praises and Koji just seems incapable of stopping himself from saying how much he likes Meme all the time.
The way Koji says “Meme~“, SO CUTE. Meme is also such a tsundere with Koji too. Their banter is so fun to witness!!
I like their friendship. Koji always support MeMe. And MeMe cares about Koji.
I just love the way they interact with each other and they are so cute when they are with each other
fr, their teasing, it's just sooooooow adorable 😭☹️ especially when koji is the one who's doing it to meme, but then they're also have the most fluffiest moment :(
I am used to meme who is gentle to other members, but idk why i find sparks between memekoji because how honest he is to koji, and they are so natural😭 i like the balance of brotherhood, friend, and a spark of love, and they have so much layers of relationship, like if you explore them more, the more findings you will see between them.
I like everything about memekoji. Just seeing them together give me butterflies
I like how clingy koji is and how tsundere meme is. Meme always act like he doesn't care but actually gets jealous when Koji with someone else. Also, Koji likes to spill Meme's tsundereness(?)
LITERALLY EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM IS CUTEEEE DUH but i think the personality difference and dynamics are what make them very interesting. like you might first thought they were a boke-tsukkomi combi since meme is a quiet and kinda serious type while koji is someone who goes out of his way to make gag. but they surprised us with being dumb and dumber sometimes. you can see their bouken clips or soresuno trip where they were on a water quest. thinking that's all, you got hit by their predebut stories and heartfelt words from their magz interview and communication corner. its obvious they cherish each other and love (in any type of way lol) each other. the push and pull annoys me sometimes, but honestly i can never get enough of them lol. like, it felt THAT good when meme suddenly hyped koji up out of nowhere and singing praises on him. that truly feels like you've just won some olympics medal tbh. they complete each other, like puzzle pieces. when koji feels down, meme always be there for him and cheer him up. he understands koji even without him saying anything and koji always tries to bring smile and laugh to meme's face and cheering him up in his works. and their height gap? sighs...koji is a perfect height to lean on to meme's shoulder (which is something that he loves to do) and a perfect size to be wrapped inside his hug. // Also, mmkj community is a very safe environment :) everyone is so warm and welcoming. i love it everytime we hype about mmkj together.
the way koji just tries to show his love but meme is so tsundere abt it but then meme gets jealous so easily when koji shows his love to someone else
I just want to say that i hate my english its so bad to express my feeling 🥲 I love the way they be themself naturally beside each other, the way they talk proudly about each other and their relationship, the way they smile when they are together 💗
I love how Koji called "Meme" and how Meme feel comfortable. It seems that Meme is very close to Koji
Their dynamic of course. Koji who is clingy and like to said he love meme everytime and meme who tsundere trying to be cool but actually a simp lol but the most i like is the story of how they met! I think i never believe in soulmate but memekoji literally that and universe really ship them hard. I mean the amount coincidence they have?? The couple outfit, the way they met at the same group and debut together. I always can't get enough how i scream their story when they met. Like they met at 2016 taking photo and hoping someday will met again. Never know Koji would missed two debut and come to tokyo and then join the same group with the person he promised to met again. Meme who keep koji and his 18 y.o himself for three years! And post it with the recent photo when they selfie with sakura 😭😭😭 tell me if isn't soulmate then what??? And of course their steady relationship, the push and pulled they do. The way meme always consistent about his feeling to koji and koji who never shy to declare his simp over meme but get shy when meme express his feeling, you know they are too cute!!! I feel warm just imagine them together 🥺🥺🥺 i love how they stare at each other when the other didn't see. Like bro you two are so obvious 🤧🤧🤧 meme who always laugh at koji joke even it's flop and koji who get so happy when meme did that. And meme and koji always talk about if they do something wrong. Ahhhhh can't you see that ✨healthy relationship✨ over there?? Oh yeah! I love media describe meme and koji not as meguro and mukai but memekoji this days!! I know memekoji would be icon national combi for sure at this point. I don't care even if it's bait i'm ready to eat that!!
Ohhh I really love their very chaotic dynamics 😂😂😂 These two were really bunch of dorks and sometimes when both of them have a dumb moment, they always connect to each other's minds 🤣🤣🤣 one example of this is when Koji asked Meme what's the meaning of DNA in English and he said Chi (blood) but also Koji said "bread" which is more dumb than expected HAHAHAHAHA.
I love their push-and-pull dynamic, they tease each other a lot but they really have each other's back!
Exactly as the example lol really I'm not kidding
I love that Meme is so tsundere when it comes to Koji. He loves to tease Koji but can also tell from his actions and words that he really likes him. Same for Koji. I love that he gets a little jealous of seeing Meme with other members.
外形,性格,互动,交流 (Their Appearance, Characters, Interactions, Communication)
They look so comfortable with each other, the way they act around when they’re together how meme doesn’t like to tell he love koji but he really do and a lot of time I saw meme being jealous of koji SOCUTE 🥹🫶🏻
Theres so many reasons to love their dynamic! Not only do I love them individually but them as a combi balance each other out in both sweet and funny ways. Meme as both a tsundere (lol) and cool personality in contrast to Koji's louder heart on his sleeve sunny personality make them fun to watch. The push and pull of their dynamic is also incredibly entertaining because even for all Meme's teasing he'll always express his love and care for Koji even through his complaints of his clinginess 😄. Also as a kojitan who regularly gets emo over his long journey to debut and his role as a big brother of the kansai juniors its always fun to see him not need to shoulder that pressure and just have fun sticking to Meme. The way they both act confused on who's the senpai because of how childish Koji can get around Meme is a precious part of their dynamic to me (❁´◡`❁).
i love reading their interview, mmkj always share about each other in detail and sometimes in a romantic way lmaoo 😂 also their skinship, there is no distance between them though they just keep teasing each other, somehow it makes mmkj so unique and we just naturally fall in love with them 🖤🧡
Pure love each other
I love meme calls koji without honorrifics
Koji is the perfect heroine shoujo figure (cheerful, annoying, cute, and CLINGY) and meme is the perfect hero shoujo figure (cool, good at sports, brave, TSUNDERE).
Hmm how to put it. Their reverse part? Koji supposed to be the older but i feel like meme is the one is older
I think they are both warm and kind, they can bring sunlight to others life, and their tease is funny as well
i love they story from the beginning. about meguro who is still a back dancer and koji who has appeared in front, meguro already saw koji as the great senpai, he admired how koji being all friendly with him even when he's "just a potato" (according to him🖤)
The way Koji calls Meme and how cute he is whenever he clings to Meme. How the two of them interact with each other is so funny and adorable to watch!
They way they help and complete each other. The way they fit perfectly like puzzle pieces. The way Koji's older but the clingy and crybaby one (I just love younger boyfriend trope OK lmao). The way Meme act cold when in reality adore Koji so much. The way they're bound by fate.

  • The push pull between memekoji lmao!!

  • Some how they didn't mentioned their things to fans directly , but everytime I OFTEN got information about them from members or other artists,I was like "awwwwww~~",I am so glad they have good relationships in their personal time

  • I like discovering the tiny details of their interaction, like eye contact etc.

  • They totally fit each other as Koji likes to make other laugh and Meme used to laugh easily.

  • Koji used to show a lot of love and care to Meme in front of the camera,and Meme always confort and give support to Koji the crybaby,and I am happy thet they give support and know well each other .


There's too many favorite memekoji moments but maybe recently when they keep talking about Sakura night viewing lol
YES WHEN HE SAID KOJI IS THE SUN. ON SEVERAL DIFFERENT OCCASIONS TOO. Also when they comfortably have skinship even though Meme gives the feeling of "i dont like to be touched"..
That one Bouken Shounen where they had to build a boat in order to get to the other side of island.
I have a lot!!! Meme's legendary love-letter-for-Koji jweb of course, but also MemeKoji night sakura episodes!! Ah, the story of Meme who always walk Koji home back in 2019 was so romantic too! Basically 2019 MemeKoji is the peak of their romance lol. But MemeKoji after debut has a lot of great moments as well. Bouken Shounen Green Curry episode is also my favorite because of how cute they're cooking together. For recent moments, I guess the bouquet thing is my fave. The way Meme chose the flowers by instinct and yet describes Koji perfectly is just god-tier fate sh*t!!!!
That first soresuno eps of MemeKoji team getting water 😭😭 Just cute, sweet, honest moments of two bros having a fun adventure
Gosh, i love it when koji calls meme ‘meme’ in his sweet voice. When they reminisce the time they were juniors. How they took a selfie because they thought they wouldn’t work together that much anymore since koji is in osaka. When they did sakura night viewing and also did the titanic pose. Lol. Meme may be much closer to raul or shoppi but he’s always there for koji when koji needs someone. Like the time meme shared that he saw koji being sad outside and gazing at the sky. The finger personality test they did is so funny too!
The Bouken Shounen deserted island episode. I haven’t been into snow man for that long and I can’t or read Japanese so sure I missed many things on that episode but even I, a non Japanese speaker, could tell while watching the episode how much fun they have together and how they genuinely they enjoy being in each other’s presences.
Their night Sakura viewing from 2019, their entire Bouken Shounen deserted island episode, and when they wore their matching jackets on Jr channel together!!
Meme did the meme pong to Koji www & Watching the starry night on island together at bouken shonen
When Koji sent MeMe the Kabuki video clips so MeMe could practice the dances as the substitute for 2018 Kabuki. And when MeMe took care of Koji when Koji moved to Tokyo.
When Meme pat Koji’s head and their skinship
i'm a new fans so i probably don't really know much but honestly- i can't choose 😭😭 the pict they took in 2016 when they promised eo to meet again, and then they ended up debuting together, if that ain't soulmates idk what it is cz my gosh that's so romantic of them😭 ok but since i'm into soft fluffy fluffy moment so- when meme accompany koji watching night sky on osomatsu-san filming site cz koji felt kinda down :(
Wherever koji makes a joke and meme laughs and slaps his head , or when meme forgets his pencil and koji lends him in every occasion(i wonder if meme loses his pen on purpose to build koji’s pencil shrines or whatever lmao), and the best thing is meme will always laugh for koji’s joke even if it isn’t funny at all 🥺
Everytime koji call meme in such a tone and he seems really depend on meme.
the sakura viewing moment in bouken shounen
Their sakura nights... My 💭 ~
I love their interactions, but recently in Shokura when Koji said that Sakura Night is only for Meme and Koji
THERE'S MANY!!! OF COURSE THAT LEGENDARY JWEB MEME MADE! That iconic jweb like meme declaration of love to koji and he is still think the same even after this years 😭😭😭 that bouquet he give to koji on that magazine. Koji is like ☀️the sun☀️to meguro for sure 🤧🤧🤧 that 🌸sakura night🌸 they keep talking about for years, the one who make me love them! 🛁The bathing saga🛁 shenanigans they did. The ✨starry sky✨ episode too!! It's so rare seeing koji so flustered like that yet meme keep bringing that story over and over and it's getting better and better 😭😭😭😭 everytime meme answer and refer 👸koji as girl👸. Everytime koji declare 🧡his love for meme🖤 that getting higher and higher and when koji ☕spill☕ all the simp meme did behind the camera 😩😩😩
Their interview from TVGUIDE Vol. 10 2020 (Regional Limited Edition) wherein Koji has spilled Meme's true nature of him. And Meme was kept on denying those acquisitions that Koji made 🤣🤣🤣 Meme tried to explain but he keeps on denying, giving this tsundere look an feel which is super freaking cute!! 🤣🤣🤣 That particular interview was I believe at their peak of the two pair 😍😍😍 KYUN KYUN
Their first meeting at concerts. For a first time meet up I think they match up so good (I believe it's fate). The they are on the same group (I BELIEVE IT IS FATE)
The night sakura viewing hahaha. But also all the times when Koji is jealous when Meme is interacting with Raul and other members, hahaha. The most memorable for me was in the Ride on Time episode where Koji was trying to take a photo of Meme who was modeling, and Meme just purposely turned his back towards Koji.
koji亲meme人形立牌 (When Koji kissed Meme's life-sized standee in Bouken)
Koji look like he always happy and doesn’t think much but he do think a lot when he alone meme cheer him up that was just so cute
The Meme 2019 Jweb will always be the treasure of all Mmkj-tans but my favorite moment is just the way they talk about them ending up in the same group was like fate! The way they met all those years ago and Meme back dancing for Koji just for years later the two of them ending up in the same group and now dancing side by side is just such destiny. Also the mmkj and Kimura Takuya radio!! Koy showed me this and I'll forever remember this reversal of their dynamics where we have a flustered Koji and Meme taking the lead in talking. There's just so many cute moments in that radio episode so it's engraved in my mind and I still like reading the translated transcript to relive it haha.
definitely their sakura-night viewing in 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe they keep talking about that until now, im really crying 😭😭 also their bouken shonen's island survival episode 🥺
Bouken shounen surprise new MC announcement by Tanaka San
When koji call meme "ren"
Basically everytime meme laughing so much just from watching koji doing something. Even i dont think koji was THAT FUNNY.
Meme tsundere reaction to koji
There are so many memories about them, maybe it's deserted island and the stars in the sky
when meguro keeps bringing that starry sky story, it's rare to see koji being shy. he's so cute crying BUT I SWEAR I LIKE EVERY THEIR MOMENTS😭😭😭 THEY'RE ALWAYS BE DOMESTIC IN MY EYES
The Jweb is definitely one of my favorite moments because it just shows how much Meme cares about Koji and it makes my heart all warm and fuzzy. Another one is the stargazing one that Meme kept bringing up during the Osomatsu-san interview, showing how he’s staying true to his words.
THIS QUESTION IS SO HARD???? I CANT CHOOSE BECAUSE EACH MOMENT IS MY FAVORITE LMAOOO but if i have to pick at least top 5 mmkj moments:
  • the legendary jweb where meme said koji is like the sun and without it he would feel lonely and overwhelmed. I swear this deserves a peace nobel prize...i also love every time he said that he is genuinely enjoying koji's company and worry about him.


  • their jr stories. i think most of us agree that 2019 is the peak mmkj romance lmaoo (i'm glad they brought them up again in 2022. memekoji is their own otaku tbh) like when meme walked koji home everyday just because he wanted to, their night sakura viewing, and ANOTHER SOULMATE SH*T: THEIR JOURNEY OF DEBUTING. there's no logical explanation for this unless they're soulmate...PERIODDTTT

  • the starry sky episode. my mind literally went blank when i first heard of it. THEY'RE SO OBVIOUS....

  • all of their bouken adventures!! especially the island escape...please they even did a stargazing together!!!

  • honorable mention: their interaction in sacrifical village epi of dokkiri. pLEASE THE WAY KOJI CLINGED TO MEME AND THE WAY MEME PROTECTED HIM AND KEEPING HIM CLOSE. THAT'S BOYFRIENDS BEHAVIOR RIGHT THERE!!

  • The whole bouken shounen green chili ep

  • During water search in soresuno, they spend the first hour just fooling around and enjoying the town (i like how these two looks like they're just enjoying themselves and not take things too seriously when they're together)

  • The soresuno school ep when they're paired together and koji's acting made meme laugh so much that he got smacked on the head (also koji's frustrated face bcs meme kept laughing 😂)

  • During sunotube karuta game, koji helped meme get the card for him bcs meme was so bad at the game. it was such a brief moment, but i think it shows how kind koji is :")

  • The shounen club aishiteru game segment when Koji said "Meme, let's get married."

  • Meme walking Koji home many times when Koji just moved to Tokyo, it's become such a precious memory for them

  • Stargazing episode during Osomatsu filming!!!

  • Stargazing episode during Bouken Shounen deserted island!! (and then both of them telling Hikaru that the beautiful stars are the most important thing when he asked them for advice about his Bouken Shounen guesting lol)


There's a lot, I'll try to list what I remember right now:

  • Meme's 2019 jweb, both the Koji is like The Sun one, and the night sakura one

  • Dokkiri's sacrificial village episode, where Meme acted like BF to Koji

  • The entire mmkj communication volumes (some example: when Koji explained the matching gucci t-shirt; when Meme said "look at me" when Koji looked at other direction; where Koji sang an original love song for Meme in a car; when Koji always lend Meme a black mechanical pencil during their chinese class; when they eyes met through the reflection in the window and they re-enact romantic scene from a drama; when they did that iconic psychological test lmao)

  • KimuTaku radio where Koji was a wreck and Meme helped him

  • Their entire bathing saga (the one where Koji washed Meme's back with his butt will go down in history)

  • Koji as Meme's gag ghostwriter (they way Koji whispers in Meme's ear?? Delicious)


  • Meme consoled Koji under a starry sky like what kinda trendy j-drama is this...

  • Bouken Shounen green curry episode bcs they look so married







For now maybe they have own unit song.
I want to see the two of them perform duet songs! Also appear on more variety shows together.
I really hope Koji is able to sing 360m with Meme like he wanted and we, mmkj-tans, are able to see it happening.
That they’ll be able to grow more and maybe have a work together for a show or basically anything.
DOUBLE PROTAGONIST ROLE IN BUDDY DRAMA, OF COURSE!!!! I won't ask for BL, a buddy drama with a lot of bromance is enough lol. Also, of course I want an unit song! I'll be satisfied with any kind of song but it'd be nice if the song is about intimate relationship with open interpretation (romantic or platonic), with cheerful music ❤️
More variety show appearance!!!! Unit song and buddy drama not bad too!!!! Great idea
Fineboys cover of them together. Or koji will be the photographer for one of meme’s mag cover! Also yes to their memekoji comm to last forever!!!
Oh I’d like to see them in a drama together, or a movie. I think that’d be interesting!
Literally I will take every last interaction. A unit song would be beautiful tooooo
Their friendship to grow over time. If I can get anything i.e. unit song or films or TV series. Those will be the bonuses.
I wish they can sing 360m together as what Koji mentioned at one of the magazine interview. Another project that I wish for definitely a trip program of memekoji,like the one broadcast on soresnow before,but I hope there will be a longer version
I want them to be in a movie or a drama as W protagonists, have a unit song, have more magazine covers together, or anything as long they stick together more and show us more their interactions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everything that is memekoji, i know I'll love it, double protagonist will be amazing tho cz all the contents following that will be a lot, like- magazine interview and cover, all the promotion schedule aaaaaa it would be wonderful. but tbh just them being happy and healthy together for a long long time ❤️
Memekoji buddy drama😍
I want memekoji communication to last for until the end of the world.
I want to see their song duet and also unit song obviously. I also want to see more mmkj moments from sunotube, etc 🥺 i hope mmkj is happy forever and pls let koji marry him
BUDDY DRAMA PLEASE PLEASE WE NEED IT ITS FOR SCIENCE!!! OR UNIT SONG!!! i dont mind the genre but hopefully it'd be ballad or something cheerful (not upbeat) because their song fit together for those (i also kinda notice both of them particularly meme got less part in upbeat/dance songs). i want the communication corner to go on forever so i could storytell about it to my grandkids lmaoooo kidding but i hope it'd last for the longest it could be (by longest i mean at least 10 years so we could get a big anniversary cake with big memekoji written on it). if these could manifest, i'd be very happy. but seeing them healthy, growing together, and supporting e/o as artist and entertainer is enough. i hope meme would be less tsundere though...HAHAHA hopefully they'll get more jobs/projects together in the future!! MEMEKOJI IS WORLD PEACE!!!
i want them to have a unit song and always be healthy and hapoy
I want them to be together for many years. Its not easy to find such a sincere relationship like that, for both of them.
I want to see them at least 10 times playing in drama or movie
Yesss memekoji communication corner forever even if they hiatus someday i want it's still be there. I want memekoji do bouken escape island again. And on soresuno they do task together again. I want they have cover even there's nothing going on. And have CM together just the two of them like fumaken did. I want a drama/movie with they as protagonist duo like sherlock! I want they have duet song weather on kabuki or a unit song, i'm not picky just give me duet song of them 😩 i want they still stand beside each other forever, be happy and healthy and always support each other back. I want this relationship keep going forever 🥺🥺🥺
I hope the interaction for the both of them will last and keep their silly minds as usual! 🤣🖤🧡
Duet song and always have shareable moment every week lol
I will support whatever they decide to do together.
身体健康,共演电视剧,互动更多,表白更多!!! (stay healthy, acting together in drama, interact more, confess more!!!)
Winkup please 🥺
Now that we've had Meme and Koji in the same issue of Fineboys my hope is for another Koji fineboys appearance but this time them sharing the cover and sharing a photoshoot (/▽\)!! I just really want to see more Koji in fashion magazines and since Meme complimented his appearance in Fineboys a lot I think a combi fashion shoot is in order!!
A UNIT SONG PLEASE 😭🔥🔥ahhhh i wanna see they are together more, obviously. but yes i hope they gonna have their own song first 🥺
Police Buddy drama
I want hear koji call meme ren in front of camera more...
Nothing in particural. In general I just want Snow Man to be healthy and happy.
Duet song will be awesome
I want them can stay happy all the time when they are together and be friends in their whole life, maybe sometimes let us know something interesting happened between them.
more photoshoots together!
I guess I don’t really have a specific wish but I hope to see them together in another thing whether its another duet or a buddy drama or them being on Sunomama together again!
The ultimate wish is for memekoji to star in buddy drama together. The other is for them to have their own unit song. I can already imagine that the song would be memekoji's nation national anthem.